Equine Exports
We understand that exporting your horse, over whatever distance, can be a complicated and overwhelming process, with numerous vital steps. Whether or not your horse is travelling for a brief period, or permanently, it is essential that you know what is required.
The first step when organising an equine export is to find an appropriate agent or transporter who can guide you through the process and ensure all the correct paperwork has been applied for. After this, you will need an Official Veterinarian (OV) to oversee the process and complete the certification.
At Donnington Grove, we have several OV’s who will be able to help you with the veterinary side of the export process. As an overall guide, this will involve:
· Ensuring that bloods for Equine Infectious Anaemia (EIA) are taken and results are obtained in the appropriate timescale. Please note that the bloods are sent to an external laboratory, so their turnaround can vary, please speak to your vet, or contact the practice for further details on this. At the time of taking bloods, your vet will check your horse’s microchip number. If you have any concerns about your horse’s microchip, it may be worth organising someone to come out and check it prior to starting the export process.
· Completion of the Equine Health Certificate. We will need significant information about your horse and its holdings to complete this including confirmation:
o Horses come from holdings free from notifiable disease
o Whether the horse is classified as ‘registered’ or ‘unregistered’. We can determine this from the horse’s passport.
· Examination of the horse. The timing of this may vary depending on whether the horse is registered or unregistered, and if you are travelling over a weekend or bank holiday. It will usually be within 48 hours of travel. The OV will ensure that the horse is free from disease and ectoparasites (such as lice). They will also check the horse’s microchip and passport, ensuring that their details match with the equine health certificate.
Further details on equine export can be found on the government website:
If you have any further questions about equine exports please do not hesitate to contact us on 01635 39039
