At Donnington Grove Equine Vets we have an experienced dedicated stud medicine team providing a full range of breeding services to individual mare owners and studs of the surrounding area.
Donnington Grove offer an extensive range of services for breeding your mare, from pre-breeding checks and laboratory tests through breeding, pregnancy and beyond. We have experience in natural cover, artificial insemination or embryo transfer alongside diagnostic and therapeutic services for “problem” mares. We are happy to discuss your individual requirements and tailor our care to you and your mare.
Foal Care
Whilst most foals maintain good health, they do have the potential to test even the most proficient of owners and carers with an array of issues. For that reason our experienced stud team are available for any problems that may arise alongside being able to assess your foal and advise on general preventative care and management. Should serious problems arise with your foal the stud team have the back up of the neonatal intensive care and surgical facilities of the hospital
Artificial Insemination
Our stud vets are all very experienced with AI and Donnington Grove is on the BEVA approved AI list for fresh, chilled and frozen semen. We are available to advise on all aspects of AI and can liaise with the semen provider as required.
Please contact our stud team to discuss options and packages.
Embryo Transfer
Embryo transfer is an incredibly useful way of breeding mares without the mare having to carry a foal to term. It does, however, require a great deal of veterinary input as well as owner commitment. We require at least 2 recipient mares (ideally more) to synchronise with the donor mare. Alternatively, we can liaise with a stud who have a recipient bank of healthy mares for this purpose. The donor mare is bred as normal and later flushed to remove the embryo which can either be transferred directly into a recipient or sent to the recipient for transfer. This can be done at Donnington Grove or at home if there are suitable facilities.
Please contact the stud team for more information or to discuss prices.